Topic: Business and Community

alpacas graze among Inca ruins in Cusco, Peru
Business and Community | June 10, 2019

UNLV Global Entrepreneurship Experience Program students learn about business and tourism at Machu Picchu during the last leg of their journey through Peru.

Students sitting in cutouts in a wall
Business and Community | June 4, 2019

Local Peruvian villagers teach UNLV Global Entrepreneurship Experience Program students the importance of community.

feet of students sitting on a mountain with other mountains in the distance
Business and Community | May 28, 2019

UNLV Global Entrepreneurship Program students build international business skills through lessons from U.S. Embassy workers, Peruvian university students, and stories from a 17th-century nunnery.

a doctor talking to a woman with another doctor in background
Business and Community | May 1, 2019

The UNLV Family Medicine Clinic handles around 11,000 patient visits per year, including expectant mothers, children, adults, and the elderly, as well as the Golden Knights and Aviators.