Topic: Business and Community

7-year-old boy in blue shirt, 1st grader William Hawkins, 9-year-old 3rd grader Georgia Hawkins, and PhD student in microbiology Erin Cassin, all working/learning from home on the dining room table.
Business and Community | April 6, 2020

UNLV College of Education experts share tips, resources, and activities for parents thrust into the added role of schoolteacher, guidance counselor, and playground monitor.

chalk drawing of human head with brain outlined
Business and Community | March 25, 2020

UNLV College of Education professor explains trauma symptoms of children versus adults and offers strategies and resources to help overcome them.

girl on computer with earbuds
Business and Community | March 20, 2020

UNLV communication studies professor Natalie Pennington offers tips to preserve your mental health while protecting your physical health.

microscopic image
Business and Community | March 5, 2020

Public health professor Brian Labus answers 4 questions answered by a public health professional