For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

K.N.P.R. News

Robots on the open road. That could be the future for Nevada, which opened its roadways to driverless cars in 2011. Nevada also recently hosted the Consumer Electronic Show, where Toyota and Audi unvieled self-driving technology. So how far are we from the science-fiction fantasy of driverless cars? And how will it change how we drive in the future?

K.N.P.R. News

From candy canes to mulled wine, Christmas is a chance to indulge in certain taste traditions. You might prepare these holiday treats near the sparkly lights of your tree, or you might enjoy them under the neon lights of the Strip. We talked about holiday food traditions from cultures around the world, as celebrated right here in Las Vegas.


The killings of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin has thrust attention on white power music, a thrashing, punk-metal genre that sees the white race under siege.

Las Vegas Sun

Ross Bryant’s business card is telling of the kind of outreach he is championing for active military and veteran students attending UNLV this fall. The first director of UNLV’s newly formed Office of Veteran Services has his cellphone number listed prominently on his card. It’s there so veteran students can reach him day or night to talk about anything, Bryant said.

Parents Magazine

Many kids go through an "I hate school" phase. Find out how to get your student out of her funk.


Even in places as seemly well-studied as the national parks of North America, new species are still being discovered. Using ultraviolet light that cause scorpions to fluoresce a ghostly glow, researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) have discovered an intriguing new scorpion in Death Valley National Park. They named the species Wernerius inyoensis, after the Inyo Mountains where it was found. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

Daily Mail

You can't say you haven't been warned if you order up a gut busting 8,000-calorie burger meal at the Heart Attack Grill.

Las Vegas Review Journal
Richard Plackowski admits he's been tempted to post something online that wasn't very nice. When he sees a YouTube video that's "kind of dumb." Or when someone makes "an ignorant statement" in an online discussion.

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