For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

Changing America

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been flooded with data and statistics on the spread of COVID-19. But one of the key indicators recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is perhaps less understood: the rate of coronavirus transmission.


While coronavirus continues to spread, some states, such as Texas, California, Arizona, and Florida, among others are reporting record-high cases and hospitalizations in recent days. Along with a spike in cases has been a wave of canceled races including the New York City Marathon, and you might be wondering what you should do for your own personal health during this time and how this could affect your training and your runs.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Dr. Brian Labus, Epidemiologist with the UNLV School of Public Health and the governor’s medical advisory team, and RJ Health reporter Mary Hynes cover the latest topics surrounding COVID-19 in Nevada.

Al Jazeera America

Amid Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, K-pop fans are being hailed as a new force in politics and social justice.


2020 is weird. There’s just no getting around it. Few would have believed that fans of Korean popular music were going to be a driving force behind fighting police brutality and white supremacy following the George Floyd protests. But that’s exactly what happened. Fans of the popular music genre are using their knowledge of online platforms to rally support for political causes and solicit donations.


After the worldwide protests that erupted over the killing of George Floyd, it is hard for me to imagine any person, company, or institution, continuing to discount the role that racism plays in our society. People all over are demanding an end to racial discrimination that is embedded in our social systems.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

There are several myths out there on the internet about safety precautions to prevent COVID-19.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A COVID-19-tracking website built by the cofounders of Instagram shows Nevada currently has the highest rate of coronavirus transmission in the country.


After Russia, Iran and Qatar, the US has the world’s greatest natural gas reserves. But unlike those other countries, it has trouble building pipelines, threatening its ability to supply domestic and international markets.

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