Experts In The News

Burlington County Times

As the highly contagious delta variant spreads through New Jersey, the state Health Department says it has improved its ability to track mutations and is no longer flying as blind as it was six months ago.


Melinda Williams, a married mother of five, didn't think her family qualified for the child tax credit since they don't earn enough to file income tax returns. So the New York City resident didn't pay much attention to Congress' historic increase of the benefit earlier this year.

K.N.P.R. News

The Las Vegas residential real estate market remains as hot as the weather, with the median resale price of a single-family home nearing $400,000.


After 16 months of sitting mostly empty, offices in the U.S. are preparing to re-open their doors to employees. But, while corporate spaces have always been ruled by dress codes, a pandemic year at home will throw those strictures out the window.

Online Poker Report

New Jersey has an opportunity this year to set an important example for the rest of the country when it comes to harm reduction for problem gambling.


Grocery stores, big-box retailers and even auto mechanics could pick up sales in the coming months, thanks to a new source of cash: monthly payments that go directly into parents’ and caretakers’ bank accounts.

As the highly contagious delta variant spreads through New Jersey, the state Health Department says it has improved its ability to track mutations and is no longer flying as blind as it was six months ago.

New Hampshire Union Leader

As the debate over critical race theory and schools reaches a fever pitch, the two national teachers' unions are entering the fray, vowing to defend their members against any backlash over how they teach about the nation's complicated history with race and racism.