Experts In The News

Las Vegas Weekly

A few months ago, when it seemed like we were about to finally turn a corner on the whole COVID-19 thing, Clark County put out a public call for art reflecting on the pandemic experience. The resulting show, Emotional Weather at Winchester-Dondero Cultural Center Art Gallery, digs into the cross-current of emotions we’ve all felt: fear, frustration, boredom, isolation and, yes, hope. These feelings are expressed through a kaleidoscope of media, including paint, ceramics, charcoal, ink, collage, colored pencil and embroidery.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman said Wednesday she recently tested positive for COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.

First and Pen

Allegations, fights, and more are plaguing Kane.

K.N.P.R. News

That people are so prone to ask, “Can this be recycled?” reflects a change in societal thinking.

Healthcare Dive

Many doctors appear uneasy about prescribing Aduhelm, as they continue to grapple with a long list of unknowns.


For more than 100 years, the U.S. government forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Native American children to boarding schools under a federal assimilation program meant to suppress their languages, beliefs and identities.

Washington Post

Our country’s path to political influence involves defecting from your hometown and congregating in one of a handful of wealthy neighborhoods. It’s undermining trust in government — and corroding our democracy.

Living Philosophy

Might an education for children featuring philosophy be one of the keys to developing a more civil society? Prof. Amy Reed-Sandoval (UNLV) discusses how wonder is integral to philosophy and how this complements a child’s natural inclination to know more about the world and others.