Experts In The News

New York Daily News

Anyone who spends more than 35 seconds on social media, or overhears a loud conversation in a bar, knows that nowadays, we live amid the equivalent of tribal warfare. Worse yet, we don’t just differ — we demonize. Couples divorce over COVID policy. People refuse to date or do business with Trumpers. The climate is such that you might wonder if it’s even possible to maintain relationships with those on “the other side.”


Over the past year, colleagues at the Brookings Institution and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, have launched a research project that examines shifting inequities in the post-pandemic recovery. Many researchers, including our colleagues, have framed the effects of COVID as a disease and a turbulent economic moment that punctuated a robust economy. Far fewer have appreciated the asymmetries in the lived experiences of the journey back to normalcy, which have largely been defined by racialized identities, chronic marginalization, and the influence of place in shaping these experiences.

The Street

A new owner for the Mirage likely means the end of its signature attraction. But fans have new hope.

The Nevada Independent

Over two years into the pandemic and its recovery, we now face an entirely new set of facts in the macroeconomy as we face a cooling economy and possibly another recession. Previously, loose monetary and expansionary fiscal policies saved the day for many people. The support for government programs to aid unemployed workers and small businesses proved essential during the recovery process. But, now, policy makers must evaluate a completely changed situation. Labor markets are overheating and employers find it difficult to hire needed workers. Moreover, the inflation dragon, which had been chained up for decades, is on the loose and creating anxiety for consumers, workers, and financial markets.

The Nevada Independent

Over two years into the pandemic and its recovery, we now face an entirely new set of facts in the macroeconomy as we face a cooling economy and possibly another recession. Previously, loose monetary and expansionary fiscal policies saved the day for many people. The support for government programs to aid unemployed workers and small businesses proved essential during the recovery process. But, now, policy makers must evaluate a completely changed situation. Labor markets are overheating and employers find it difficult to hire needed workers. Moreover, the inflation dragon, which had been chained up for decades, is on the loose and creating anxiety for consumers, workers, and financial markets.

This Memorial Day weekend could be one of the last holidays to watch the faux volcano explode in front of The Mirage. The Las Vegas Strip iconic attraction could soon be dismantled. Memories tied with it may fade, too, unless preservations succeed in their effort.

This Memorial Day weekend could be one of the last holidays to watch the faux volcano explode in front of The Mirage. The Las Vegas Strip iconic attraction could soon be dismantled. Memories tied with it may fade, too, unless preservations succeed in their effort.


Nerses Kopalyan, Professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, talks to CivilNet about his recent article entitled The False Promise of Security: Why the Opposition Protests in Armenia Are Struggling to Gain Traction. Professor Kopaylan discusses police brutality in Armenia, the “democracy versus security” narrative, and where the protests may be heading towards.