Experts In The News

Fashion Sina

With the frisbee fever set off in China, many people have joined the sport. As a hipster, you must pay attention to the clothes of your friends on the sports field, and the yoga pants commonly worn by girls have recently been accused of rubbing frantically. Is it really a problem to wear yoga pants to play Frisbee?

Play Tech

We all understand that digital interactions can be devoid of human warmth and empathy. But there are times and situations where distance and anonymity are a plus. Dealing with the challenges of intimate relationships is not at all surprising, it is one of them.

The Crime Report

The popular image of a prison, informed by movies and TV series like Orange is the New Black, is something close to a zoo, where individuals deemed too dangerous to be allowed to roam free in society are caged like animals.

Las Vegas Review Journal

As some U.S. travelers adjust vacation plans amid high fuel costs and inflation, Las Vegas may benefit from pent-up demand and the destination’s value proposition, experts say.

South China Morning Post

An international team of scientists using the world’s largest radio telescope has detected a mysterious series of bright flashes from 3 billion light years away.

Marijuana Venture

I have become fascinated with cannabis marketing and advertising, and I thought, “Who better to talk to than an internationally recognized marketing and advertising expert?”

Las Vegas Sun

One television ad proclaims this candidate will keep Nevada safe and get the state “back on track.” At the end of the advertisement, there is notice saying the message is not from the candidate, but an outside group not affiliated with the candidate.

City Cast Las Vegas

The nationwide formula shortage hit Las Vegas hard: According to the Nevada Independent, we were the number one metro area with a formula deficiency in May. And while production was brought back online this weekend, supplies are expected to remain tight until at least June 20th.