Experts In The News

Sunday Guardian Live

The long Covid-19 lockdowns and the threat of health risks outside kept people isolated, holed up in their houses, and glued to their TV screens, laptops, and mobile phones in India. This sedentary lifestyle didn’t spare the children either. Even young preschoolers have started to spend more screen time—using mobile phones at an alarmingly high number of daily hours. Screen-watching among Indian preschoolers and children is much higher than the prescribed screen-watching limit set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Sunday Guardian Live

The long Covid-19 lockdowns and the threat of health risks outside kept people isolated, holed up in their houses, and glued to their TV screens, laptops, and mobile phones in India. This sedentary lifestyle didn’t spare the children either. Even young preschoolers have started to spend more screen time—using mobile phones at an alarmingly high number of daily hours. Screen-watching among Indian preschoolers and children is much higher than the prescribed screen-watching limit set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Verywell Health

A cruise ship carrying 800 Covid-positive passengers recently docked in Sydney after being hit with a major COVID-19 outbreak—a scenario eerily reminiscent of the early pandemic days. It was a stark reminder that the pandemic is not over, and that cruising still presents a certain level of COVID-19 risk.

K.V.V.U. T.V. Fox 5

Shoppers and stores are gearing up for Black Friday but what can we expect with record inflation this year? The National Retail Federation says despite inflation, a record 166 million shoppers will be buying during the Thanksgiving weekend between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Small businesses say after difficult years during the pandemic, each and every sale is important.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

All of Nevada's Democratic congressional delegation, in a joint statement, called on the Democratic National Committee to put Nevada's Primary Election first on the calendar in coming years.

Las Vegas is one of the most popular US destinations for Thanksgiving holiday travel, the AAA recently reported. It only ranks after Disneyworld and Disneyland.

KNX News

We've talked a lot about how the pandemic has changed how we do things. Now we're finding out what's changed when it comes to having a baby. New data from the CDC finds more women are giving birth at home than before the pandemic.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

When it comes to driving habits in the state of Nevada, the descriptions are rarely flattering.