Experts In The News

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada continues to evolve demographically, socially and economically. The Nevada of 10 years from now will be dramatically different from the Nevada of today. To meet future challenges and opportunities, we must ensure our education and economic systems are prepared and aligned.

Las Vegas Review Journal

On the heels of announcing rate increases next year for Southern Nevadans, NV Energy is proposing a more than $800 million plan to advance the state’s energy independence.

Mother Jones

It’s the system to “save America,” to some experts. To Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, it’s a “scam.” The ever-so-eloquent wordsmith Donald Trump called it “crap voting” and a “total rigged deal.” Its backers see it as a path back to political diversity. So do its opponents. None of them are right. It’s ranked-choice voting, Alaska-style.



The FIFA World Cup in Qatar has brought together hundreds of thousands of people to see soccer’s greatest competition. Amid the revelry, some health experts are warning about the possibility of a virus being spread among the crowd. That condition is called Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).


Coda Story

In late October the curtain came up on the second “Russia-Africa: What’s Next?” youth forum at the Moscow State Institute on International Relations on the edge of the Russian capital.


In New Zealand, the parents of a baby who needs life-saving open heart surgery insist that his blood transfusion comes from donors who haven’t had the COVID-19 vaccine. Anti-vaccine campaigners have recently used this case to focus on the lingering claim that those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 have “clean blood” or “pure blood” and that it’s dangerous for them to receive a transfusion from someone who is vaccinated. For example, anti-vaccine activist Steve Kirsch claims that because of COVID-19 vaccination, “The safety of the blood supply is unknown.” The parents of the baby have appeared on far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars podcast, defending their position.

Las Vegas Sun

Tipping during the holidays is a time-honored tradition, but because there are no hard and fast rules, it can end up being one more stressful holiday chore.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

Exploring Mars might be a dream for students interested in careers in space. For Libby Hausrath, it’s an exciting point on a career path she chose years ago.