Experts In The News

E&E News

Former Nevada climate official Kristen Averyt has joined the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Now Boxing

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in the United States, Brad Donohue, BA, Ph.D., has been appointed to the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) Medical Advisory Board.

Live Science

A good night's sleep is vital for optimal health. Not getting enough shut-eye can affect a person's mood and concentration the next day and it's been linked to a greater risk of chronic conditions, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute


It was a ho-hum end to 2022 for spending in America. U.S. retail sales continued their fall in December, dropping by 1.1% as inflation remained high, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. That’s the largest monthly decline since December 2021, and practically every category (except for building materials, groceries and sporting goods) saw sales drop from the prior month.

Smithsonian Magazine

NASA is preparing to return astronauts to the lunar surface. And this time with more ambitious goals.


Those missions, which had a successful kickoff with Artemis-1, will establish the groundwork for months-long human habitation on the Lunar surface. Proposed base camps will present unique opportunities to test technology, unravel scientific secrets about the Moon's past and present, search for the presence of water, and more.


Sex is not just something many of us like to do whenever we have the time and inclination. The act is the sole reason we're all here. The vast majority of animals (but not all) have sex to procreate. Let's explore this reproductive phenomenon, sometimes referred to as intercourse, coitus or copulation.

Smithsonian Magazine

In response to the text-generating bot ChatGPT, the new tool measures sentence complexity and variation to predict whether an author was human