Experts In The News


We are a couple of weeks into tax season, and the IRS is telling people in nearly two dozen states to hold off on filing their returns. Those states sent out some kind of tax rebate or inflation relief payment last year, and the IRS hasn’t figured out yet whether those payments are taxable.

Daily Mail

A new era of spaceflight has dawned with NASA's Artemis programme, which aims to establish a base camp on the moon and lay groundwork for a future trip to Mars. The US space agency will send humans back to the lunar surface in 2025, but its manned missions to the Red Planet won't take place until the 2030s. Meanwhile, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk thinks he can beat NASA to it by sending crewed flights to Mars as soon as the second half of this decade.

The NBA is tightening up its regulations for sportsbooks partnered with the professional basketball league and its franchises. The move is in hopes of better-protecting fans from the potential dangers of gambling on sports.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A Hawaii state senator wants to block advertising in the state that touts Nevada hotels, resorts or other recreational services promoting casinos or gaming — even citing one Las Vegas-based operator by name.

New Scientist

The answer is complicated. It depends on what you mean by efficiency, as well as on some pretty important assumptions.


It was Valentine’s Day 1917 in the Minnesota farming village of Lewiston, and Fred Roth — a fourth grader — seems to have come up with just the way to express his love for his sweetheart, Louise Wirt. He gave her a card.

Associated Press

It was Valentine’s Day 1917 in the Minnesota farming village of Lewiston, and Fred Roth — a fourth grader — seems to have come up with just the way to express his love for his sweetheart, Louise Wirt. He gave her a card.

History Channel

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in the United States comes with multiple go-to practices. Offering a bouquet of red roses to your beloved. Purchasing a card with a heartfelt message. Sharing a candlelit meal with your partner. Giving a heart-shaped box of delicious chocolates.