Experts In The News

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Discover how to make jeans be business casual with these outfit ideas from the experts

The Independent

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has sparked outrage by referring to the five victims of a deadly mass shooting as “illegal immigrants”.

The Nevada Independent

Sex work and the laws around it can be complex, nuanced and prone to misconceptions — including in Nevada, the only state in the union where prostitution is legal, but only in certain circumstances. Lawmakers, advocates and researchers are often at odds over the best ways to prevent sex trafficking and sexual violence.

CDC Gaming Reports

Like the rest of the economy, gaming was on a roll in 2019. It appeared set to continue into 2020. But as we all know, an infamous “black swan” showed up in the guise of a global pandemic. Again, like the rest of the economy, gaming came to a halt. It was a full stop with all casinos in the country closing in March. It wasn’t until May that some states permitted casinos to reopen with restrictions. It took the rest of 2020 for most of the nation’s gambling halls to reopen.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

Cyberattacks on companies and people are at an all-time high. At the moment, there are just not enough cybersecurity professionals in the country to help protect the world wide web.

Las Vegas Review Journal

D’Shante Styles got a taxi to the Silverton, where police said he had the driver wait outside while he robbed the casino cage, went back outside and had the taxi drive him away.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Economists at UNLV are loosening predictions of a recession in the next 12 months, while nationally many are expecting at least a mild recession beginning later this year — a sign that shows the uncertainty swirling around how the economy will perform.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Economists at UNLV are loosening predictions of a recession in the next 12 months, while nationally many are expecting at least a mild recession beginning later this year — a sign that shows the uncertainty swirling around how the economy will perform.