Experts In The News

The Nevada Independent

The invitation says no children, and where my children aren’t welcome, I’m not either.

The Nevada Independent

As he was settling into his seat for a recent airline trip, UNLV President Keith Whitfield struck up a conversation with a fellow passenger about the state of the sports industry in Las Vegas. There was much to discuss.

The Boston Globe

Gays, lesbians, and other sexual minorities are twice as likely to rely on friends rather than blood relatives during a health crisis. In one survey of working LGBTQ people, 63 percent said a friend or "chosen family" member had asked for help with health needs.

Washington Post

Dreamy hotels in Florida, Hawaii and Beverly Hills are full of pink décor ideal for a Barbie-themed selfie

Las Vegas Review Journal

The headlines are tough to ignore. Office space vacancies in major cities across the U.S. are at record highs. Las Vegas has never been known for its office market — or much less commercial real estate in general, outside of the Strip.


There have been 13 norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships in 2023. Experts note that the highly congested environment, as well as the fact that people have not been exposed to as many illnesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are likely the reason for the increased norovirus numbers.

Nevada Current

Whether it’s an 18-month wait to get resources for youth with developmental disabilities or a lack of investment in homeless prevention services, groups working with youth experiencing homelessness say they face substantial barriers helping vulnerable children. 


The drugs clear sticky plaques from the brain. But they are not for everyone, experts caution