Experts In The News

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

The average rent prices are down in our valley, according to a July report, but a new UNLV study reveals the trend may only be happening in certain neighborhoods.

Media INAF

Using the Chinese Fast radio telescope, an international group of astronomers has discovered a quasi-periodic wobble in the radio band in the galactic microquasar Grs 1915+105. The signal has an approximate period of 0.2 seconds and does not seem to occur all the time. It could be caused by a misalignment between the black hole's axis of rotation and its accretion disk

Verywell Health

A new review says trained scent dogs can detect COVID-19 as well as, and in some cases even better than, antigen and PCR tests. Researchers argue that scent dogs could be particularly useful during pandemics, potentially as part of rapid health screenings in public spaces. Experts say scent dogs may be accurate but present practical challenges, so they won’t likely replace PCR tests anytime soon.

The Nevada Independent

John Dalton, a retired Navy SEAL, lost nine of his fellow SEALs in the last year — all to suicide or alcoholism induced by PTSD and traumatic brain injuries. 


FINRA, the self-regulatory organization (SRO) responsible for overseeing broker-dealers in securities markets, now faces constitutional scrutiny about its structure, enforcement proceedings, and sanctions. In July, Judge Justin R. Walker of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a concurrence that signaled genuine skepticism about FINRA’s constitutional status.

Media INAF

More than three years after April 28, 2020, an international team of scientists reports the outcome of the observations made with the Chinese Fast radio telescope of the first galactic fast radio burst, reporting that they have discovered a radio pulsar phase of the magnetar that emitted it . Flashes and pulses, therefore, with different characteristics but originating from the same object, the magnetar.


Sex drives ebb and flow naturally and can be impacted by the stresses of life, work, or even just being too busy. However, if your partner is experiencing a little dip in their libido and could use a helping hand, there are some things you can do to get that engine moving again and get your sex life back on track.

Huffington Post

Sometimes you just need a helping hand.