Experts In The News

The Daily Guardian

Solitude (ekanta) is a great source of joy for the spiritual aspirant. Solitude refers to the enjoyment of a simple, quiet, contemplative environment where one can just be happy with oneself. It requires not constantly engaging the mind in activity but just taking the time to smell the “roses.” It is just cherishing one’s own company. Solitude should not be mistaken for loneliness. Solitude is different from loneliness.

Fast Company

Brightline is already running routes in Florida and will soon break ground on a high-speed line from Las Vegas to LA. It could finally be the boon rail advocates have been hoping for.

Voice of America

Taiwan is expecting an unusually competitive presidential election in January 2024 after Terry Gou, the billionaire founder of main iPhone manufacturer Foxconn, announced his bid to run for the top office as an independent candidate.

Washington Post

It’s not your imagination: Business, especially big business, is more liberal than it used to be, and Democrats are now more comfortable than Republicans with corporate engagement in politics. That’s the takeaway from an academic survey of business leaders and the public described in a pair of papers published last month.


Since the 2010s, a picture has permeated corners of the internet purportedly showing two women adorned with large "blizzard cones" to protect their faces from a snowstorm.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A state lawmaker failed to disclose in his financial disclosures that he led an organization that he ultimately voted to give $100,000 to, raising questions about transparency around the disclosure process for legislators.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The super political action committee backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has stopped knocking on Nevada voters’ doors, which could signal the campaign is losing ground in the Silver State to Donald Trump in the runup to the primary election.

The Nevada Independent

Deans say turning nurses into educators a ‘hard sell’ because of low wages and high academic requirements.