Experts In The News

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

We're just days away from the first day of the WNBA finals.


As Arizona ends one of its driest monsoons on record, many may wonder how climate change is affecting the source of one-third to one-half of the state’s rainfall.

The Nevada Independent

Interdisciplinary program will use research to define best practices for visitors’ physical safety, but also promote social inclusion, cybersecurity

New York Post

Russia’s war against Georgia in 2008, its current and previous invasions of Ukraine, and its collaboration with Azerbaijan to attack Armenia are all part of a pattern: Each nation experienced democratic revolutions that overthrew pro-Russian autocrats.

Science News

Progressive healthcare providers have begun to incorporate hospitality principles into their operations. This includes the design of more welcoming arrival environments and pre-registration.

Associated Press

It started as a crude sketch — a circle with a stick person inside. Seven years later, that drawing has been made real: A $2.3 billion massive spherical venue standing 366 feet high and lighting up the Las Vegas skyline.


When Sen. Chuck Schumer quietly relaxed the U.S. Senate’s dress code, supposedly to accommodate Sen. John Fetterman’s desire to wear hooded sweatshirts and gym shorts, the backlash was swift.

The Conversation

When Sen. Chuck Schumer quietly relaxed the U.S. Senate’s dress code, supposedly to accommodate Sen. John Fetterman’s desire to wear hooded sweatshirts and gym shorts, the backlash was swift.