Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Bailey Lamonte is ready to start college, something her parents never thought possible.


Aquatic plant found in the Pyrenees could help unlock our plant's deepest mysteries

K.N.P.R. News

The Obama administration has proposed new rules that will allow more salaried workers to be eligible for overtime.

Real Clear Politics

When Nevadans vote next year for their U.S. senator, Harry Reid’s name won’t appear on the ballot for the first time in three decades. But even though the powerful and polarizing Senate minority leader is retiring, that doesn’t mean he won’t have a role in in, and impact on, next year’s election.

Huffington Post

Ashley Madison users may face more than just marital discord after the dating website's recent hack.


On Tuesday hackers who call themselves “The Impact Team” made good on their promise to publish personal data about users of Ashley Madison, a website that helps customers to cheat on their spouses. The hackers dumped 9.7 gigabytes worth of data about 32 million Ashley Madison users on to the so-called “dark web” — a part of the Internet that is only accessible via a specialized browser.

The New York Times

On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton declared this city — with its flashy strip of casinos, rows of middle-class subdivisions and one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation — the perfect place to pitch her campaign message.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Study hard. Plan your time. Meet people.

All are nuggets of advice incoming college freshmen often hear. And while they're great as far as they go, they may not cover the breadth of the college experience for new students.