Experts In The News

Vegas Inc

Las Vegas is not alone in the marriage decline. The U.S. as a whole has seen a progressive decrease in the number of weddings. The Pew Research Center found that in 2011, 51 percent of American adults were married, compared to 72 percent in 1960.

Washington Post

Look around you, and you'll likely notice a sea of different outfits. You might see similar articles of clothing — even the same ones — worn by different people, but rarely do you find two pairings of tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories that are exactly alike.

Las Vegas Sun

The 2015 Legislature again revised the state’s Live Entertainment Tax. Recent debates centered on the definition of “live entertainment,” how to collect the tax and exemptions to the tax. But once again Nevada failed to address the most critical issue surrounding this tax.

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It might seem surprising that the road in North Las Vegas named for Tom Williams, who created that city, is such a short and unheralded thoroughfare. It may be more surprising that an elementary school is also named for the man who championed having as little government as possible in the new city and keeping out black people.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health have been awarded an $11.1 million federal grant to advance the understanding of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

KUNR Radio

Nevada lawmakers recently passed SB302, a landmark education bill. Today, as part of our series “Nevada’s Gamble on School Choice” Reno Public Radio’s Anh Gray explores the unforeseen consequences the new law could have on the state.

K.X.N.T. C.B.S. News Radio

The Gaming Nevada Control Board possibly making changes recommending legal language allowing for slot machines that would require skill for you to win. This would make slot machines more like video games instead of random luck.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It might seem surprising that the road in North Las Vegas named for Tom Williams, who created that city, is such a short and unheralded thoroughfare. It may be more surprising that an elementary school is also named for the man who championed having as little government as possible in the new city and keeping out black people.