Experts In The News


While we don’t claim to know everything about the path to a fulfilling existence, we are pretty sure that some part of it involves being a mostly not-shitty human. Which is why we put together this package to make you good(ish). And since it’s only good(ish), we aren’t going to tell you to quit watching porn (because then we'd have to, too?)—we are just going to try to make sure that your “me time” is spent watching porn that’s made as ethically as possible.


After trying for years to be one of the elite kingmakers in picking presidential nominees, thanks to heavy prodding from Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada is losing the bet.


A report looking at the health of kindergartners in Nevada says that rates for both overweight and underweight children are rising in the Silver State.

Las Vegas Sun

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called her a “formidable candidate.” A national campaign group praised her.

K.N.P.R. News

So, who gets minimum wage in Nevada? And how much should they get paid?

The Guardian

Marco Rubio insists he supports immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, even as he has shifted from once backing a comprehensive overhaul of the system to now advocating a piecemeal approach.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

More than 15 million people tuned in to watch Tuesday night's debate.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Two days after the Democrats’ duel in our desert, the nation and Nevada are still waiting on an answer: Will Vice President Joe Biden jump in or stay out?