Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

It's either a masterpiece of Yuletide warmth or the most morbid TV commercial ever.

K.N.P.R. News

Gov. Brian Sandoval announced Thursday morning that an electric car manufacturer had chosen North Las Vegas as the site of its production facility.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Call it the big Republican Recoil.

The Christian Science Monitor

All three Democratic presidential hopefuls are set to join Senate minority leader Harry Reid at a party dinner in Nevada on Jan. 6, six weeks before the state’s presidential caucus.

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada’s ongoing teacher shortage and the Silver State’s status as a barometer for education issues across the country were among the concerns that took top billing in a first-ever UNLV education summit on Monday.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A little more than six months after Gov. Brian Sandoval signed a dizzying list of education reforms into law, policymakers and education leaders will meet Monday to consider what's next for the Silver State.

ImmigrationProf Blog

Today , Donald Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States." I assume that readers of this blog do not need any convincing that this is a hateful, disgusting proposal, and it is breathtaking that in 2015 such an idea could be promoted by a leading candidate for a major party nomination.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Economic policy expert Robert Lang sees a day in the not-too-distant future when attendees of the International Consumer Electronics show will sign up for a special tour to North Las Vegas to see Faraday Future's new electric car manufacturing plant at Apex.