Experts In The News

Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton’s allies in the black community moved aggressively Wednesday to shore up her support with minority voters following her crushing defeat in New Hampshire, as Sen. Bernie Sanders worked to win over the black and Latino voters who will now be crucial to the outcome of the Democratic nominating contest.

Reno Gazette-Journal

Iowa and New Hampshire are in the books and the nominating season is in full swing – which means a pair of showdowns are coming to Nevada.

K.N.P.R. News

Flint, Michigan has become synonyms with dangerous water. The city is now using bottled water because it's water supply is contaminated with lead.

Las Vegas Sun

UNLV received a $250,000 grant to bolster its business-development efforts over the next three years.

Las Vegas Sun

Donald Trump would have you believe that Mexican immigrants, as a general rule, bring drugs and crime into the United States and are rapists.

Las Vegas Sun

Donald Trump would have you believe that Mexican immigrants, as a general rule, bring drugs and crime into the United States and are rapists.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It was nearly three-quarters of a century ago, but Rosie Maruki Kakuuchi clearly remembers the fear that stemmed from the simple fact that she was a Japanese-American.

Las Vegas Weekly

It’s quiet at the corner of Jackson Avenue and F Street, where empty lots and vacant buildings define the historic landscape. A man rides by on his bicycle. A car occasionally passes through the intersection, and a security guard sits down on a chair outside the old New Town Tavern.