Experts In The News

Las Vegas Sun

While driving home to California following his less-than-triumphant two weeks at the Last Frontier in Las Vegas in February 1954, song-and-dance man Ronald Reagan, then at the lowest point in life, shared his sorrows with Nancy Reagan.

Big Think

Food deserts are a problem. One solution might already exist.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Safety advocates and local leaders say pedestrian deaths outnumber deaths from breast cancer and HIV in Nevada.

Vegas Seven

The IS-7 thunders over the rubble of a ruined cottage just as a T110E5 comes crashing through the trees. They simultaneously fire on the Spahpanzer Ru 251, which is rocked by explosions but manages to hang on. As the attackers reload, the Ru 251 wheels backward, searching for cover. But an SU-152 is waiting to deliver the kill shot. In a fiery blast, the Ru 251 ceases to exist.

Las Vegas Sun

The Legislature took a significant step in 2015 in passing Assembly Bill 394, to reform and dramatically improve the beleaguered Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest.

Desert Companion

It was 34 years ago, in 1981, that the first patients of HIV were identified. Even now, there remain more than 36 million people worldwide living with HIV. In 2014, 1.2 million people died from AIDS-related illnesses. Three UNLV research professors, each manning a different front — from educational memoirs to life-saving baby showers to a possible cure — continue to make headway in this worldwide battle.

Deccan Herald

Donald Trump’s campaign for the Republican US presidential nomination is building a momentum that may sweep away challenges by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, with his crushing win in the Nevada caucuses marking a third straight victory in state contests. Kasich has six and Carson has four.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Less than 5 percent of Clark County schools will host one of four initiatives that Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky plans to debut or expand in the upcoming school year.