Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Half a dozen seismic faults along the Nevada-California border — including two within 60 miles of Reno and one about 100 miles from Las Vegas — appear primed to unleash a moderate to major earthquake, according to a new study.

K.N.P.R. News

Visitor traffic to McCarran International Airport keeps climbing.

Traffic for the month of July was up more than 2.5 percent as compared to the year before.


Most people visit brothels seeking pleasure. I went seeking the guidance of a self-described “feminist pimp” who promised to teach me something more valuable.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

A day after a KTNV/Rasmussen Reports poll found a small majority of Nevada voters were against raising room taxes to fund an NFL stadium, another poll finds the opposite.


The map of the presidential election has taken on familiar shades over the last few decades. Red states tend to stay red. Blue states tend to stay blue. There are just a few states, the swing states—states such as Nevada, Colorado, and Florida—where the outcome isn’t obvious. Those are the true battleground states, and so they get the most attention from presidential candidates.

Wall Street Journal

Key swing states such as Nevada, North Carolina and Florida have seen some of the weakest income growth in the country since the last non-incumbent presidential contest in 2008, new census figures show.

Las Vegas Sun

On June 16, 2015, two months after Hillary Clinton declared her candidacy for the U.S. presidency, Donald Trump did the same.

Vegas Seven

Recently, Thalia Dondero and Bonnie Bryan died, and Hillary Clinton developed pneumonia. The events aren’t related, but the three of them certainly are.