Experts In The News

Straits Time

At 10am last Wednesday, as most of the Las Vegas strip is only just rousing, there is already a large, boisterous crowd gathered outside the gleaming golden tower that is Trump International Hotel.

C.B.S. News

Consumers in sporting goods stores today are faced with seemingly countless choices of footwear. But are any of those innovations really helping you run longer or jump higher? And are those expensive sneakers any better?


Gretchen Carlson is both extraordinary—in her cultural visibility, in her multimillion-dollar career, in her personal accomplishments—and utterly ordinary. When she filed a lawsuit in July alleging sexual harassment during her tenure at Fox News, she became part of a disturbing statistic: at least 25% of American women say they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, according to a 2016 report from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She also faced an obstacle that blocks an untold lot of them: an arbitration clause in her employment contract.

The New York Times

On Monday, before flying to Houston for a two-day N.F.L. owners meeting, the Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis took a little trip to Las Vegas. He was not there to gamble, but to celebrate. The previous week, the Nevada legislature held a short special session, called by Gov. Brian Sandoval, to pass a bill that would commit a stunning $750 million in tax dollars to a proposed $1.9 billion football stadium.

The Young Turks


BBC Global Radio's Business Matters Program

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton go head-to-head in the last TV debate before America decides who it wants in the White House.

San Diego Jewish World

Inside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, Donald Trump is king. At the 64-storey hotel and condominium just off the Las Vegas strip, a gift shop in the opulent lobby stocks Trump-branded golf clothes, baseball caps adorned with his "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan, and an array of Trump's books, his face scowling from their covers.


To be a Democrat in Henderson, Nev., is to be on a blue island in a red sea. In the last federal election, 15 of the 16 counties surrounding the city voted Republican — and they're not afraid to throw their weight around. "There was a sign on my mailbox one day written in marker: 'Hillary for prison,'" Democrat Norma Unger said Monday. "I'm terrified!"