Experts In The News

Dagens Industri

Most opinion polls show that Hillary Clinton is heading towards a clear victory in the US presidential election. But there is a great concern that the measurements do not show an accurate picture.

Las Vegas Weekly

The unlikeliest Vegas trend in 2016, besides poke bowls and making your own flip flops, might just be public art.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump faces a formidable challenge tonight when he and Democrat Hillary Clinton go head to head in a third and final televised debate. Mr Trump must try to reverse momentum in an election that polls show is tilting away from him.


Ahead of last week's presidential debate came Donald Trump with strong accusations that the presidential election is rigged against him by the media and the political elite. It is not the first time Trump has said it, but he has been increasingly loudly the last week.

The Week

Donald Trump has changed his tune. After telling the moderator at the final primary debate that he would keep the suspense on whether he would accept an adverse verdict after the elections, he toned down and said that he would be happy with the result -- be it win, lose or draw. At a campaign in North Carolina, one of the crucial swing states, Trump said he was giving his best and did not want to have any regrets.


Tomorrow night is the final face-off in the 2016 race. At stake: the crucial, undecided voters.


Alright, so some reality mixed with satire. The last two debates have definitely let themselves to comedic moments.

Huffington Post

The eyes of the nation and of the world will turn to Las Vegas and the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, this evening for the final presidential debate of the 2016 election.