Experts In The News

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Would they bolt, or wouldn’t they? With raw feelings still lingering over an election that saw the loser get almost three million more votes, all eyes today were on America’s electors.

Vegas Seven

The recent election was yet another reminder of how important understanding the past is to understanding our present and future. Two recent books examine our shared history in different and unique ways.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas’ economy has made big strides since the depths of the recession, when foreclosures, layoffs and bankruptcies were pummeling the valley.

The Chronicle of Higher Education

When a Stanford University report last month proclaimed that many students could not detect fake or misleading information online, the findings caused a stir.

Las Vegas Sun

Less than two weeks from graduation, some UNLV students seem a bit more prepared for taking on the challenges of the real world.


A conservative news outlet criticized a federal program created to bring United States children fleeing violence in Central America into the United States, saying it largely benefits adults.

Vegas Seven

What did the 2016 election mean? Commentaries, analyses and tweets abound. For Nevadans, the answer is different, because the results turned out to be different. For only the second time in a century, Nevada’s electoral votes won’t go to the winning presidential candidate.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV received a $1.4 million federal grant to research the design, construction and maintenance of future high-speed rail projects, U.S. Sen Harry Reid, D-Nevada, and Rep. Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, announced on Thursday.