Experts In The News

Saudi Gazette

Resistance to President Donald Trump’s crackdown on Muslim immigration mounted quickly on Saturday, with protests spreading across the country and the first legal challenge filed to an order branded as blatantly discriminatory.

Agencia Brasil

The application of the anti-immigration decree signed by President Donald Trump on Friday prompted several expressions of repudiation in the United States and critical reactions from various countries and political leaders. The information is from Radio France Internationale.

Focus Online

The ban on Muslims from seven countries issued by US President Donald Trump is causing outrage around the world. And even in their own country, many people are against Trump's policies on the streets - or in court.

Jornal de Notícias

White House will maintain ban that is raising protests around the world, but will let immigrants enter the seven affected countries that had already seen permanent residence.


The decision, which partially suspends the measure that prevents the entry of citizens from seven Muslim countries into the United States, predicts a tough battle between the president and the immigrant advocates.

Vegas Seven

“What’s past is prologue,” said Mr. Shakespeare, and that makes leading Republicans the happiest unhappy people, or unhappiest happy people, in Nevada. They hope the past is prologue, but they also have reason to worry about their future, as their president and his Congress eliminate everyone else’s.

Agence France-Presse

US President Donald Trump will take decisive action against "sanctuary cities" across the United States, he declared.

Epoch Times

Trump signed an executive order on January 25 to prevent federal agencies from granting grants to asylum-seeking cities that protect undocumented immigrants and do not cooperate with federal law enforcement agencies.