Experts In The News


According to the proposal approved by the Nevada Board of Regents in early March, the priorities at a new think tank sponsored by MGM in partnership with UNLV, cochaired by Harry Reid and John Boehner, no less, could include “sustainability, workforce development, technology and innovation, and security and resilience.”


With the Fiduciary Rule in doubt, seeking professional advice on your money remains a dangerous proposition.

Ripples Nigeria

Scientists estimate that the risk of cancer doubles for long-term missions outside Earth’s magnetic field.

Popular Mechanics

Elon Musk has famously declared that he wants to die on Mars. He might hit his goal sooner than hoped for. A new study predicts a "dramatic increase" in the chance of getting diagnosed with cancer after a trip the Red Planet. Essentially double the odds.

The cancer risk for a human mission to Mars has effectively doubled following a UNLV study predicting a dramatic increase in the disease for astronauts traveling to the red planet or on long-term missions outside the protection of Earth's magnetic field.

Science Daily

The cancer risk for a human mission to Mars has effectively doubled following a UNLV study predicting a dramatic increase in the disease for astronauts traveling to the red planet or on long-term missions outside the protection of Earth's magnetic field.

The Register

Aspiring astronauts might want to think twice before going to Mars, as scientists estimate that the risk of cancer doubles for long-term missions outside Earth’s magnetic field.

The Economic Times

Astronauts travelling to Mars or on long-term missions outside the protection of the Earth's magnetic field would face much higher cancer risk than conventional risk models suggest, a study says.