Experts In The News

Nevada Current

A Fitch Ratings report published by Forbes designating Las Vegas as the most overvalued real estate market in the nation has homeowners who survived the foreclosure crisis jittery and real estate agents angry. But experts say contrary to increasingly frequent warnings from Fitch and others, Las Vegas is not in danger of suffering another housing bubble. We’re just coming up from underwater.

Nevada Current

A Fitch Ratings report published by Forbes designating Las Vegas as the most overvalued real estate market in the nation has homeowners who survived the foreclosure crisis jittery and real estate agents angry. But experts say contrary to increasingly frequent warnings from Fitch and others, Las Vegas is not in danger of suffering another housing bubble. We’re just coming up from underwater.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

There are thousands of them in neighborhoods all across the valley.

There's probably one on your block.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Make a little room in the saddle, Eddie Arcaro. You’ve got company in sports history.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Political analysts Michael Green from UNLV and Sondra Cosgrove from College of Southern Nevada stopped by News 3 to talk about today's Primary Election.

Card Player

The historic meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un could lead to investment opportunities in the rogue nation in the years to come.

Fox News

Legal gambling put this city on the international map, helping it become larger-than-life – with a mix of kitsch – and a prime example of American excess.

Las Vegas Sun

The only surprise in Tuesday’s primary elections for Nevada’s U.S. Senate seat might have been that the race wasn't called even sooner.