Experts In The News

Travel Weekly

We all know that the worst part of going on holiday is waiting to get on the plane. Don't deny it.


On the rocky beach at Little Girls Point County Park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the heavy wash of Lake Superior seeking the shore rolls stones the size of softballs back and forth in the surf.

The Conversation

When it comes to the use of race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions, no one seems to be happy with the way it’s playing out.

The Hill

Inside a bustling mall on a recent Saturday, volunteers working for the Nevada Democratic Party pester attendees at a job fair hosted by the Latin Chamber of Commerce to register to vote. Steven Horsford is working the crowd, smiling and laughing with the volunteers he recognizes.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It’s been 10 years since the collapse of the Lehman Brothers financial services firm. The company’s bankruptcy filing on Sept. 15, 2008 greatly intensified the financial crisis and still holds the record as the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

The Hill

Attendees at a job fair hosted by the Latin Chamber of Commerce strolled through a local mall on a recent Saturday, taking information and back-to-school giveaways from employers looking for new workers.

K.N.P.R. News

Howard Hughes bought it fifty years ago. It closed thirty years ago. Let’s look back at the Silver Slipper.

Reno Gazette-Journal

Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller’s sliding positions last year on a long-held GOP promise to repeal Obamacare are providing plenty of fodder for Democrats and activists hoping to stymie his re-election.