Experts In The News

The Nevada Independent

The top Nevada official for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently complained to the Las Vegas Review Journal that it takes three or more years to deport mothers without criminal records. “Who knows what could happen in those three years? She could have three more babies,” said Dana Fishburn, acting deputy field office director for ICE in Nevada.


While medications treat symptoms of ADHD, researchers are always evaluating non-medication strategies, such as psychotherapy, and complementary health approaches like meditation. We asked the experts to weigh in on these tools and others.

K.N.P.R. News

Nevada, particularly Las Vegas, is known for being an affordable place to live. It’s thought of as a place you could come and get a new job, buy a home…or at least find an affordable rental.

The Philadelphia Tribune

The 1940s in Las Vegas was an exciting time of growth, but not all residents shared in the excitement.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

Even though the research is in its early stages, a growing number of architects, designers, professional organizers, and environmental psychologists believe the spaces we live in are as inextricably linked to our neurological well-being as sleep, diet and exercise.

If your child attends school or day care, you probably know vaccines are required for attendance. But you might not realize some rules have recently changed in certain areas. For example, this year New York state stopped allowing families to take a religious exemption to vaccines required for school. California vaccine law also stopped allowing religious exemptions in 2015.

Games Magazine Brasil

“We talked about the challenges for the installation of casinos in Brazil and the positive impacts that gambling activity brings to various regions of the United States, which may become a reality in our country,” said Rep. Newton Cardoso Jr. after the meeting with the Caesars Group executives.

Games Magazine Brasil

“We talked about the challenges for the installation of casinos in Brazil and the positive impacts that gambling activity brings to various regions of the United States, which may become a reality in our country,” said Rep. Newton Cardoso Jr. after the meeting with the Caesars Group executives.