Experts In The News

Macau Daily Times

Sands China Ltd. has been enhancing its Responsible Gaming efforts by further reaching out to the local community and making it a better place to live. Moreover, a dedicated team was established as a concrete step to promote responsible gaming to a wider audience.

Seattle Times

The word “anxiety” gets thrown around a lot these days, and I admit, I’ve been a little dismissive. I’d think to myself, “Don’t we all get nervous now and then? What’s the big deal?” Then, this year, I experienced a series of panic attacks that knocked me right off my high horse.


Heading into 2019, Tsai Ing-wen looked at risk of becoming Taiwan’s first one-term president. Then came the unrest in Hong Kong.


Thirty. That’s the number of days that policymakers have to work with — before social capital wanes — in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack, according to new research from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Weight Watchers Canada

The beginning of fall is a perfect time to reflect on how our year has gone so far, and how we want the last few months of it to look. Our mindset is an integral part of how we experience life, and if we’re feeling stuck in a rut or dissatisfied in any way, sometimes giving our mindset a refresh can help.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Southern Nevada has roughly $26.1 billion worth of major construction projects in the pipeline — a sign, experts say, of a booming economy.

Beginning October 1, President Donald Trump will increase tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods from 25 percent to 30 percent. And come December 15, the US will extend a new 15 percent tax on $160 billion worth of Chinese products.

The Body

What causes individuals who desire protection to forgo using it? And why, despite the physical and mental benefits of using their own preferred form of protection, do people not feel empowered enough to use it?