David Damore In The News

The New York Times
In a storefront on this city’s heavily Latino east side, the civil rights leader Dolores Huerta rallied a dozen volunteers for Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night, relating, in Spanish, a Mexican saying about people who go near a cactus only when it is bearing fruit.
Iowa and New Hampshire voters look forward to the presidential nominating process with high expectations of contact with candidates and a long tradition of vetting them. And then comes … Nevada.
The Forward
One of the most prominent donors in Republican politics is in an unusual position: undecided.
Las Vegas Sun
The Tuesday before the caucuses, Nevadans young and old gathered at the East Las Vegas Community Center after school and work to eat Mexican food and learn how to caucus.
If you’re not a political obsessive, you could be forgiven for forgetting that the Nevada caucuses are coming up this week and next. Geographically remote to much of the country, the state has received little attention in the early campaign season. It doesn’t have a claim to a “first,” like Iowa and New Hampshire, and it has fewer delegates to offer than South Carolina.
Idaho Statesman
Get ready for Round 2.
Las Vegas Sun
After Donald Trump won New Hampshire’s Republican primary Tuesday night and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders handily swept the Democratic one, the national gaze turned to Nevada.
Los Angeles Times
Hillary Clinton’s allies in the black community moved aggressively Wednesday to shore up her support with minority voters following her crushing defeat in New Hampshire, as Sen. Bernie Sanders worked to win over the black and Latino voters who will now be crucial to the outcome of the Democratic nominating contest.