David Damore In The News

Open Secrets
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s looming retirement leaves quite the vacuum to fill in Nevada. The contest to replace one of the body’s longest-serving Democrats is labeled a toss-up between former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto (D) and Republican Rep. Joe Heck. And with Heck running for a promotion, he leaves behind an open playing field for his District 3 seat.
Las Vegas Sun
Mormons in Nevada want a reason to like Donald Trump. Or at least the Republican ones — who make up the overwhelming majority of the Mormon community here — do.
Associated Press
It’s a paradox in American politics: Many Hispanic families have an immense personal stake in what happens on Election Day, but despite numbers that should mean political power, Hispanics often can’t vote, aren’t registered to vote or simply sit it out.
Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Many Hispanic families have a personal stake in what happens on Election Day, but despite numbers that should mean political power, Hispanics often can't vote, aren't registered to vote, or sit it out.
Associated Press
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton basked in a diplomatic "Moscow Spring," seizing on Vladimir Putin's break from the presidency to help seal a nuclear arms-control treaty and secure Russia's acquiescence to a NATO-led military intervention in Libya. When Putin returned to the top job, things changed.
The New York Times
Maria Mendoza, a Mexican-born hotel housekeeper, was out of work and worried about supporting her two daughters when she said she attended a job fair about six years ago and glimpsed her future in a gold-windowed, 64-story hotel just off the Las Vegas Strip. Its name alone sold her.
Las Vegas Review Journal
The young woman standing in front of a cardboard cutout of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said she registered to vote this year to keep her family intact.
Reno Gazette-Journal
New national polling from an immigration reform group released on Monday showed Latino voters more engaged in this election than in 2012.