John P. Tuman In The News

Nevada's Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site is returning to prominence on the Washington agenda, according to The Hill. President Donald Trump sought $120 million in his fiscal 2018 budget for restarting the licensing process for the repository, and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry also defends the project, The Hill reported.
The Hill
Supporters and opponents of the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site in Nevada are ramping up their advocacy efforts in hopes of swaying Congress and the Trump administration.
Las Vegas Review Journal
In October 2016, candidate Donald Trump came to Las Vegas to face the question all presidential hopefuls who think they can win Nevada must face: Did he support building a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain?
Las Vegas Review Journal
Right up to the final days and into the eve of the 100 day milestone, President Donald Trump governed and sought to implement his agenda with a showman’s talent and an uncanny ability to defy expectations.
Las Vegas Review Journal
President Donald Trump addressed the North America’s Business Trades Unions 2017 legislative conference Tuesday with the clear expectation the crowd would respond favorably to his “America First” rhetoric and his pledge to spend $1 trillion on America’s infrastructure.
Las Vegas Review Journal
As I watched President Donald Trump deliver his address to Congress on Tuesday, my mind often flashed back to President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address in January 1961. What happened in the wake of that address would forever change the way I think about the character of the nation’s political leaders.
La Reforma
Cancellation thousand 600 million dollars in investment in Mexico Ford is just the beginning, he warned yesterday the US president - elect.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
Throughout the campaign season, Donald Trump made promises about what he would do his first 100 days in office. Among the most controversial of promises Trump said he would build a wall between Mexico and the United States.