John P. Tuman In The News

Wall Street Journal
Many hotel rooms on the Strip are empty, thousands of hospitality workers have been laid off, and whether President Trump or Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins Nevada’s six electoral votes could hinge on which party voters blame for the battered economy.
K.N.P.R. News
Candidates for the upcoming election are vying for every vote available, and there may be no voter group more coveted than the Latinos and Hispanics.
Nevada Current
Nevada’s minority populations are the hardest hit by COVID-19 in terms of infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates, according to statewide data trends analyzed by the Guinn Center.
UNLV political science professor John Tuman is available to speak about the findings of his new study examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor market conditions in Nevada.
The Nevada Independent
Initial claims for Nevada’s standard unemployment program hit a new milestone last week, dropping below 10,000 in a week for the first time since business shutdowns began in March after peaking at more than 90,000 early in the crisis.
UNLV political scientist John Tuman is available to offer expert commentary on President Donald Trump's proposed tariffs on Mexico, and how this will impact the automobile industry across North America.
Voice of America
When elections are over, the results are submitted to a meticulous post-mortem: What went wrong and what went right? Voter turnout is key, complacency is bad, and suitable candidates matter. In the age of President Donald Trump, heated rhetoric and name-calling matter too.
Wall Street Journal
What We're Watching Trump's Schedule: President Trump is in Arizona today and holds another rally tonight. Expect him to discuss immigration and Justice Kavanaugh as he seeks to energize his base to vote.