Mary Blankenship In The News

Reported COVID-19 cases continue to surge in Africa, increasing by almost 200 percent from June to July and surpassing the region’s second-wave peak at the beginning of this year.
This month, the custodian agencies of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 released a joint report, “Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report,” which examines the progress made toward the achievement of SDG 7, “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030.
Global News Canada
Facebook and Instagram have had to remove over 18 million pieces of COVID-19-related misinformation since the start of the pandemic, according to a new report the company released on Wednesday.
The Toronto Star
Canadian Twitter accounts are among the top spreaders of fake and misleading pro-Russian articles from “proxy” websites, according to a U.S. State Department report and experts, who say there’s even more disinformation beneath the surface.
Las Vegas Sun
When Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman went on CNN in April and called for the early reopening of casinos, offering the city as a coronavirus “control group” to see what would happen, Twitter exploded.
The name of George Floyd looks set to enter the history books along with Rosa Parks and Emmett Till, as the face of a moment that fueled a movement. Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis was one that may have been added to the long tally of Black Americans who have died at the hands of police officers. It could have caused a brief, mostly local, flurry of attention before the world moved on.
Las Vegas Sun
Faced with the realities of change, many state and local governments are taking action by passing legislation to incentivize the use of renewable energy.