Mary Blankenship In The News

Houston Chronicle
After the Uvalde massacre, hundreds of thousands of people had something to say. They took to Twitter to criticize elected officials and express horror at the carnage. Depending on their political leanings, they called for stricter gun controls or opposed the very idea as unconstitutional and un-American.
Express News
After the Uvalde massacre, hundreds of thousands of people had something to say. They took to Twitter to criticize elected officials and express horror at the carnage. Depending on their political leanings, they called for stricter gun controls or opposed the very idea as unconstitutional and un-American.
In 2018, Democrat Amy McGrath nearly accomplished the unthinkable when she came within three points of unseating Republican Representative Andy Barr in Kentucky's 6th Congressional District, a once-competitive pocket of the state that, for the last decade, has been dominated by Republicans.
Agence France Presse
Campaigners for the frontrunners, Deputy President William Ruto and veteran politician Raila Odinga, are circulating dozens of posts claiming that their opponent is engaged in "vote rigging plots", said Benedict Manzin, a sub-Saharan Africa analyst at UK-based intelligence firm Sibylline.
The term “fake news” has now become meaningless. Just ask Mary Blankenship, a policy researcher at UNLV and a native of Ukraine.
Pahrump Valley Times
Researchers at UNLV found that left- and right-leaning political parties taking to Twitter after mass shootings are starting to find middle ground, calling for gun control and mental health services.
Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español
UNLV researchers found that political parties on the left and right that flock to Twitter after mass shootings are beginning to find a middle ground, calling out gun control and mental health services.
If you look the Las Vegas shooting in 2017, the majority of responses were "Vegas Strong", "Thoughts and Prayers", "We're With you". Now that is largely disappeared and replaced by a lot of anger. A lot of fear and calls for a legislative actions mostly on the right-leaning gun control side. But you do we see that also on the frightening sight as well.