Dan Bubb In The News

Simple Flying
Sleeping during the most critical part of any flight may affect the health and safety of passengers.
Reader's Digest
We spoke with a former pilot and aviation expert about the real reasons cabin lights are dimmed.
Houston Chronicle
Thursday kicks off potentially the busiest travel period ever for Houston airports, with an estimated 3.9 million people expected to fly in or out of the city's two airports. That's a lot of people wondering, "Do I really need to put my cell phone in airplane mode?"
Travel + Leisure
After an early-morning alarm, a schlep to the airport, and a long security line, all you want to do is take a nap after you board your flight, right? Well, we have some bad news for you. It's best to stay awake until after takeoff for two reasons: ear barotrauma and evacuation safety.
The Street
A Pegasus Airlines flight from Istanbul to Marseille failed to take off after one of the passengers went into labor.
Best Life
When traveling, a lot is out of our control, from the length of the security line to whether you end up having to gate check your carry-on. However, there are certain things within our power, including seat selection.
Travel + Leisure
If you're a nervous flier — or perhaps just a curious one — you've probably thought about which seats on a plane are the safest in the event of an accident. And if we're looking at statistics based on past aircraft accidents, there's an answer.
Reader's Digest
You hear them called out every time you fly, but what do those flight numbers really mean—and how important are they?