Brian Labus In The News

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pummel the United States, Las Vegas seems to be operating business as usual. Casinos have been open since June 4—undeterred by the 123 visitors who have tested positive for the highly contagious virus and the 51-year-old Caesars employee who died in late June.
Daily Beast
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pummel the United States, Las Vegas seems to be operating business as usual. Casinos have been open since June 4—undeterred by the 123 visitors who have tested positive for the highly contagious virus and the 51-year-old Caesars employee who died in late June.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pummel the United States, Las Vegas seems to be operating business as usual. Casinos have been open since June 4—undeterred by the 123 visitors who have tested positive for the highly contagious virus and the 51-year-old Caesars employee who died in late June.
El Tiempo
Las Vegas casinos are changing their smoking policies amid the pandemic.
By now, we all know that face masks are a crucial part of preventing the spread of coronavirus to others—but are all masks created equal? Antimicrobial face masks are the latest trend in COVID-19 prevention, but doctors and infectious disease experts are divided on their benefits.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Las Vegas casinos are modifying their smoking policies amid the pandemic.
Summer was cut short last week for 82 children and staff members who tested positive for the coronavirus at one of Kanakuk Kamps' overnight camps, in Lampe, Mo. The network of Christian camps is just the latest to contend with outbreaks amid a record-breaking crisis in America.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
Today is the hottest day of the year so far and while staying indoors is recommended, that is not an option for everybody.