Brian Labus In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
Las Vegas’ resort workers want to see more companies mandate coronavirus testing.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Some casino operators have said employees with COVID-19 need to test negative before they can return to work.
El Tiempo
Some casino operators claim that employees with COVID-19 must test negative before returning to work.
As runners, aches and pains that come with training are par for the course, so calling up a physical therapist to schedule routine, in-person treatment can become standard for some. But thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, that might look a little different now.
Runner's World
As runners, aches and pains that come with training are par for the course, so calling up a physical therapist to schedule routine, in-person treatment can become standard for some. But thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, that might look a little different now.
Web MD
Nevada reported its highest number of COVID-19 deaths last week, surpassing the previous record from April.
Reno Gazette-Journal
Casinos are likely staying open, but many bars will remain closed as officials rework their approach to combating the coronavirus in Nevada.
South China Morning Post
US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the White House said on Monday, as public health officials issued warnings about the contagion’s spread throughout the country.