Dak Kopec In The News

Historic pink hotels have never really paled. But like rosé wines, they seem to be enjoying a renaissance.
Real Simple
Part of our concept of "home" is as a place of refuge from the outside world. It's somewhere we can feel both physically and psychologically secure.
Part of our concept of "home" is as a place of refuge from the outside world. It's somewhere we can feel both physically and psychologically secure.
Between the sweltering temperatures, late sunsets, and lawnmowers that never seem to stop growling, summertime is riddled with things that can disrupt your sleep.
BU News Service
Nearly one year into the coronavirus pandemic, many architects believe COVID-19’s impact on building design may be set in stone.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Every fall, color experts and paint manufacturers reveal an exclusive color of the year. In the recent past, you could count on seeing a lot of grays and some attempts at finding the perfect accent for them. But after an unprecedented 2020, the 2021 selections are all over the board: red, blue, green, gold and more.
U.S.A. Today Reviewed
If you’ve found yourself wistfully staring out of the window daydreaming of flower-filled fields as you wait for your sourdough to rise, you’re not the only one. This whole “shelter-at-home” thing has gotten a lot of us rethinking what home and shelter really means to us.
Wall Street Journal
So many millennials are working from home. But it’s hard to spend money on a place we don’t own.