Dak Kopec In The News
Business of Home
By leveraging the latest research and technology, designers can create healthier spaces for clients.
Bored Panda
Today we have gathered some of the best examples of design that alleviates life with and for children. Whether it’s something that helps parents to handle their little ones, or solutions that aid the kids themselves, these people knew exactly what would come in handy for one of the two groups. Their ingenious designs cover everything from tiny doors to playtime areas at the dentist’s, and much more.
Verywell Health
Billions of dollars a year are spent to build healthcare facilities in the United States. Considering how much money is poured into constructing hospitals, little is known about how hospital room designs affect patient outcomes.
The Crime Report
The popular image of a prison, informed by movies and TV series like Orange is the New Black, is something close to a zoo, where individuals deemed too dangerous to be allowed to roam free in society are caged like animals.