Austin Horng-En Wang In The News

China should not interfere with commercial dealings between Taiwan and the European Union especially when increased economic resilience between the two sides contribute to the benefit of the global economy, a senior Taiwan minister told CNBC.
Wall Street Journal
The alleged gunman has ties to Taiwan, as his victims do, but he routinely presented himself as allied with Beijing.
The National Interest
Believing China would invade Taiwan because the United States does not react to Ukraine is premature and unproductive war-mongering.
Focus Taiwan
Taipei, Feb. 16 (CNA) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is recruiting analysts with doctoral degrees in political economics and international relations, a move which some believe shows the company is attaching greater importance to geopolitical developments.
Taiwan Insight
Amidst the latest series of actions that draw China’s ire, the U.S. officially invited Taiwan to participate in an inaugural Summit for Democracy along with 109 states.
The Defense Post
If the US policy of strategic ambiguity continues to be its primary doctrine toward the Taiwan Strait a grim picture emerges.
The Limited Times
Beijing's crackdown on Hong Kong has played a huge role in the way Taiwan's younger generation views China.
As Hong Kong authorities arrested pro-democracy supporters, including opposition politicians and newspaper editors, a growing number of Taiwanese are considering the island’s future relations with mainland China.