Austin Horng-En Wang In The News

China’s heavy-handed tactics in Hong Kong could be also hurting its cause in neighboring Taiwan.
As debate raged in Hong Kong in recent months over a controversial extradition law that would allow the city to send suspects to mainland China, governments from countries around the world have expressed their concerns. None have been more vocal than Taiwan.
The New York Times
A cacophonous sea of tens of thousands of people, dressed in red and waving flags, chanted and blasted air horns in Taipei, Taiwan’s capital.
Western media has paid extensive attention to Guo Taiming’s announcement of his candidacy for Taiwan’s president. He said that although he has no political experience, he has a wide range of contacts as a successful businessman and has high-level contacts in Washington and Beijing. The precedent of US President Trump's business and excellent politics remains to be seen.
The New York Times
The billionaire Terry Gou, whose company is best known for manufacturing iPhones, announced Wednesday he would run for Taiwan’s presidency, saying his bid had received a divine blessing — from a Chinese sea goddess.
Foxconn founder Terry Gou has claimed divine endorsement for his bid to become Taiwan’s president: support of the Chinese sea goddess Mazu.
BNN Bloomberg
Billionaire Terry Gou’s possible entry into Taiwan’s presidential race illustrates the dilemma facing the island’s leader, Tsai Ing-wen, as she prepares for an uphill re-election bid.
The New York Times
President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan called on Saturday for domestic and international support of the island’s de facto independence, days after China’s leader, Xi Jinping, warned that unification with China was inevitable.