Jason Steffen In The News

The harshest arctic winters have got nothing on the chill from deep space. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) continues to provide gifts for scientists and space enthusiasts with its latest discovery: ice found within the deepest reaches of an interstellar molecular cloud. As reported in the journal Nature Astronomy, the JWST measured the frozen molecules at minus 440 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 263 degrees Celsius).
K.N.P.R. News
NASA’s long in-development ARTEMIS lunar space missions completed its first phase last month. The idea is to land someone on the moon in two years. Then from there, head to Mars. And the University of Nevada, Las Vegas is helping out.
Flat Earth theory, the erroneous idea that the Earth is flat, continues to persist online despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
U.S.A. Today
Scientists have ample evidence to prove the Earth is a sphere. But some social media users claim to have devised an experiment showing the earth is flat.
U.S.A. Today
Social media is flooded with posts that claim to prove the Earth is flat. A recent example is a post that claims a photo of Chicago taken from Indiana demonstrates the Earth's flatness.
Science Times
Since Hubble Space Telescope was launched and deployed in April 1990, scientists have used it to observe the most distant stars and galaxies. One of these cosmic wonders that Hubble captured was the image of the star cluster NGC 2660.
U.S.A. Today
Some social media users are sharing a meme that claims to present evidence that Earth is flat instead of spherical.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
NASA's Artemis ONE launch is an attempt to return America to "Space Race" form.