Jason Steffen In The News

You are familiar with that friendly boarding announcement from the gate agent. Unfortunately, it means the next 45 minutes of your life will be messy. And airlines have made it chaotic by design — so people will pay to get an easier boarding process.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
You can only see it once in a blue moon so, turn your eyes to the sky as the moon will be a bit brighter and larger Wednesday night.
The report of an alien sighting at a Las Vegas home made headlines around the world. The reported sighting was triggered when a mysterious fireball was seen falling from the sky. That's when numerous calls came to 911 with one Las Vegas caller claiming an alien was in their backyard. Astrophysicist Jason Steffen says it was a meteor, not a spaceship, and it probably landed in the ocean. Inside Edition's Jim Moret returned to the Las Vegas home that reportedly spotted the aliens.
Inside Edition
The report of an alien sighting at a Las Vegas home made headlines around the world. The reported sighting was triggered when a mysterious fireball was seen falling from the sky. That's when numerous calls came to 911 with one Las Vegas caller claiming an alien was in their backyard. Astrophysicist Jason Steffen says it was a meteor, not a spaceship, and it probably landed in the ocean.
U.S.A. Today
The claim: Radar technology wouldn’t work if the Earth was a globe. Our rating: False.
Redshift and blueshift are used by astronomers to work out how far an object is from Earth.
New Scientist
Some planets outside our solar system are thought to be tidally locked, with one side always facing their star, creating a world divided into hot and cold. Now, it seems this set-up may not be permanent after all, allowing the two sides to flip.
New Scientist
The answer is complicated. It depends on what you mean by efficiency, as well as on some pretty important assumptions.