Larry Del Casale and Carlos Barbosa-Lima
Arts and Culture |
Celebrating an 11-year partnership, Carlos Barbosa-Lima and Larry Del Casale bring their show, “Classical Gas” to the Doc Rando Recital Hall.
Emma Glaze
Campus News |
Emma Glaze is combining her artist's heart with a newfound love of business administration, thanks to support from the Holiday Card Scholarship drive.
Len Jessup
Campus News |
UNLV President Len Jessup on the successes we're already developing under our Top Tier initiative.
Dr. Barbara Atkinson
Campus News |
Atkinson to continue vision, plan, and development of UNLV School of Medicine with goal toward 2017 charter class.
Beverly Rogers
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Ardent collector and UNLV alumna Beverly Rogers on the value of books as historic artifacts.
Carol C. Harter
Arts and Culture |
An oral history of the Black Mountain Institute by founder Carol C. Harter, president emerita.
Richard Wiley
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Black Mountain Institute co-founder and globetrotting author Richard Wiley reflects on life after BMI and the gift of international perspective in an international city.
girl reading a book
Arts and Culture |
UNLV’s Black Mountain Institute heads into its second decade: A roundtable discussion on mission, money, and dreams in the Republic of Letters.
Benjamin Burroughs
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The journalism professor talks about why we’re posting, liking, tweeting, and Snapchatting our way through digital conversations.
girl reads a book under a light
Arts and Culture |
A place of support for graduate students? A space for writers to solidify their ideas? A venue for provocative conversations? The Black Mountain Institute is that and more. This series examines its impact on UNLV and its plans for the future.
Group of alumni photos
People |
Our Alumni of the Year tell us about a time they felt a little overmatched by circumstances and how they got through it.
four portraits
People |
Our Alumni of the Year tell us what the learned when they faced a (fake) fire, a blank canvas, a dreaded phone call, and a mother's mortality.