closeup of robot
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The creations of Paul Oh, technologist and visionary, are in the vanguard of a robotics revolution.
Graphic of yellow bull looking up towards a light bulb
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UNLV patent applications have tripled in the last two years, and three startup companies have been formed, demonstrating the university’s revitalized commitment to bringing its research to the marketplace. Learn about three innovative discoveries that are contributing to the remarkable growth in commercialization of UNLV research.
Brian Villmoare sits at a desk and holds a fossil
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By illuminating a dark period in human evolutionary history, a UNLV scientist gets his turn in the spotlight.
Biochemistry professor David Hatchett in his lab
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Our high-tech marvels demand rare earth metals and oxides. UNLV researchers are working to make extracting them less toxic and more efficient.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
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Research projects from 20 UNLV faculty members have been selected to receive approximately $500,000 in Faculty Opportunity Awards, university officials announced earlier this year.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
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UNLV has reached a licensing agreement with Abel Therapeutics, a start-up company that seeks to commercialize the discoveries of biochemistry professor Ernesto Abel-Santos.
Physics Professor Yusheng Zhao
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UNLV’s advanced energy research team is changing batteries from the inside out.
Dr. Thomas Piechota portrait
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UNLV President, Dr. Len Jessup and Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dr. Thomas Piechota welcomes UNLV Innovation readers to the Winter 2015 issue.
Artist rendition of the Kepler-9 planetary system
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Planetary neighbors can help each other sustain life, according to new research from UNLV and Harvard scientists.
Xiangning “Sam” Chen
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A professor in the Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine and in the psychology department, Chen enjoys both research and travel — and says the two have a lot in common.
Notebook with U.N.L.V. logo
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What have your fellow UNLV graduates been up to? Read about their latest accomplishments.
Peter Gray and his dog Puppers
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UNLV-led anthropology study finds dog owners more attractive to potential mates.